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We have a real opportunity to improve how Auckland Council prioritises spending ratepayers’ money for the betterment of our community and environment while the memories (and costs) of Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland Anniversary Floods remain with our decision-makers. 

For too long Auckland has underinvested in much-needed climate action, including protecting our environment. 

Some 33.4% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s population live within the Auckland Region, making Auckland Council the country's largest population centre and in prime position to model how a city can build resilience in a way that ensures: 

Everyone has a connection with the environment and feel they have a role to play, and 

No one gets left behind. 

This 10-point plan calls on Auckland Council to undertake the priorities that community organisations of Tāmaki Makaurau know will make a real difference for our collective future. 

Real emissions reductions 

In 2019, Auckland Council declared a climate emergency. Among other commitments, Council stated they would incorporate climate change considerations into work programmes and decisions, such as that of the Long Term Plan (LTP). Auckland’s emissions profile creates clear priority focus areas for climate action 

  • transport 
  • energy use, and  
  • goods consumption.  

This will ensure consistency with Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri, Auckland’s Climate Action Plan, which reflects Council’s responsibility to address climate change and urgently reduce emissions. 

Our key asks:  

  1. Urgently transition towards low emissions communities by prioritising and increasing, not reducing, investment in walking and cycling infrastructure. 
  2. Ensure public transport is affordable, accessible and reliable, prioritising investment in public transport infrastructure over new road spending. 
  3. Reduce private transport emissions by investing in community organisations and tools to assist behavioural change.
  4. Lower emissions by becoming a leader in localised renewable energy generation.
  5. Continue to support moves to a circular economy and zero waste, ensuring waste materials are seen as resources to be repurposed, reused, recycled and repaired, and are diverted from landfill.

Protecting, restoring and enhancing nature 

Regenerating nature is vital if we are to tackle climate change and indigenous species extinction, as well as secure a positive future for our communities. Healthy ecosystems are an effective way to develop climate and community resilience, and absorb greenhouse gas emissions. This work is currently being undertaken to a great extent by volunteers and community groups. Te taiao nature will protect us, but first we must protect nature. 

Our key asks:  

  1. Support frontline, volunteer-powered communities by ensuring local boards are adequately funded.  

  2. Re-establish pre-2023/2024 budget funding for community and social services, including contestable grants (such as the Climate Action Grant), the Live Lightly Programme, Communities in Need programme, and supporting work on Council land and marae. 

  3. Re-establish the full funding of the Water Quality Targeted Rate (WQTR) and Natural Environment Targeted Rate (NETR) to pre-2023/2024 budget levels to ensure delivery of related work programmes 

  4. Protect and work with communities by continuing to prioritise the funding and delivery of Making Space for Water in partnership with Central Government.  

  5. Ensure appropriate funding is allocated to increase monitoring activity of current/active and future resource consents to enable better environmental outcomes.  

How do these key asks relate to the mayoral proposal?   (click the link for more details)

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