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Nicola Toki & Russel Norman at the head of the fast-track protest
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Our CE Nicola Toki leading the March for Nature protest on 8 June 2024

Canterbury Public Meeting on Fast-track

The Fast-track bill is at the heart of this Govt's war on nature and environmental protections. Join us in Christchurch on Tuesday 10 Sept to find out how this radical policy will affect you and what can be done about it.
Two snuggling kea with text asking "Will you protect us?"

Join us to be a voice for nature

The challenges facing nature need your voice now more than ever before. Everywhere we turn, nature is up for grabs whether from coal mining interests or deep sea oil explorers. We must be there to make sure the environment’s voice is heard.
Predator Free future for our native birds_fundraising appeal

Our native birds need you

Take a bold stand towards a predator-free future for Aotearoa. Your generosity is their sanctuary. Let's make the dawn chorus resound for generations!
Landscape view of Te Kuha with a lone tramper walking uphill
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Te Kuha landscape with a lone tramper.

STOP the War on Nature

The Govt's "fast-track" Bill is an unprecedented attack on nature and on democracy. It would give three ministers sweeping powers to approve any bad development they want, no matter how damaging. Help us STOP this war on nature.
BOTY2024 banner with blue background

Bird of the Year 2024

After a campaign that will go down in history, the pūteketeke Australasian crested grebe has won Bird of the Century 2023, thanks to a global campaign by British-American comedian John Oliver. Voting for Bird of the Year 2024 is now open! And the polls will close at 5pm on Sunday 15 September.

Forest & Bird is Aotearoa/New Zealand's leading independent conservation organisation.

We are nature's voice and work to defend nature – across our Land, Fresh water, Oceans and Climate & Economy. But we can't do it without your support.

Forest & Bird is defending nature across Aotearoa/New Zealand...

Forest & Bird is Aotearoa/New Zealand's leading independent conservation organisation.

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
