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Lake Waikare, in the North Island region of Waikato, the dairy powerhouse of New Zealand, is one of the most polluted lakes in the country. Credit Iain McGregor/Stuff Limited
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Lake Waikare, in the North Island region of Waikato, the dairy powerhouse of New Zealand, is one of the most polluted lakes in the country. Credit Iain McGregor/Stuff Limited

Fight for Freshwater

New Zealand’s freshwater is under attack. Years of unchecked intensive agriculture and other polluting industries are making our rivers sick. 

Make a donation today and you'll help us send a crystal-clear message to the Government that our water must be protected.

Fight for Freshwater

Freshwater is the next target in the coalition Government’s War on Nature. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and his coalition Government want to take away the world-leading freshwater policy we fought decades for. 

This legislation was due to come into effect this summer and herald a new dawn in the restoration and protection of safe and healthy rivers, lakes, groundwater, and wetlands.

Instead, the Government is rolling back the clock and putting the interests of polluting industries above healthy freshwater and communities.   

Please give today and help us fight for New Zealand’s freshwater! 

Thank you for being nature's voice for freshwater

How much would you like to donate towards the fight for our freshwater?

If you would like to make a donation direct to our bank account:
Account name: Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated
Account Number: 38-9019-0456965-01 (Please reference your name.)

 View the Donation terms and conditions (Note: Opens in a new browser tab).