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Central Auckland

Bar-Tailed Godwit by Craig Mckenzie
Credit or caption

Bar-tailed godwit, Credit: Craig McKenzie

North Island
Tui by Craig Mckenzie

Credit: Craig Mckenzie

Welcome to the Central Auckland branch, we are passionate about nature and want to build the biodiversity within our City.

Our branch area encompasses the same boundaries as the old Auckland City Council pre-supercity.

Our goal is to increase the biodiversity within our city through our own projects, by supporting existing community projects, and through education.

The branch activity and projects are organised through the committee, a team of dedicated volunteers.  We're always looking for more help, so get in touch if you feel you have time to give and skills to contribute.

Come along to one of our speaker events or working bees, we'd love to get to know you.

You can read our latest newsletter here.

Have you say on your local board's three-year plan

Branch Projects

Our local projects involve promoting restoration, re-vegetation, weed and pest control and increasing backyard biodiversity.

Wai-a-te-Ao Bullock Track Restoration

Our project vision is to create an urban oasis where we can learn, enjoy and respect the natural world around us.

This triangle of mostly native trees has been struggling against the morning glory and other weeds and we are taking on the challenge to make this area thrive. The patch of land contains older and younger trees and shrubs put in a few years ago which have survived because of those in the community who have been weeding around them.  There are at least five Kahikatea planted by an independent volunteer 20 years ago which are flourishing.  This is an assisted regeneration project.  We can always do with more help.  Read more about the project by selecting Wai-a-te-Ao Bullock Track Restoration in the menu on top right of this page.

Balmoral Heights Butterfly Park

Reviving New Zealand native butterflies, our expert Rob Jones leads this project establishing natural habitat for the purpose of providing Red and Yellow Admiral, Copper, and Long tailed blue Butterflies with a place to nest and flourish within the city.  This reserve is wonderful place to visit in the summer to catch a glimpse of these butterflies you might not otherwise see in Auckland.

We hold regular working bees in the reserve each year to maintain this habitat, planting, weeding, watering and pruning.  We always need extra pairs help at these events and welcome all those that would like to help.

Selwyn Bush

Two groups are involved with mostly clearing and weeding to promote the growth of appropriate seedlings which are coming through. Separately, a group is involved with trapping: we have two trap lines that are operated at different times of the year and inspected twice a week. Over time we have seen the catch numbers of possums and rats decline with mice holding steady. Again separately, I carry out poison baiting on a single line in pulses throughout the year.

Taumanu Reserve

We work to protect our sea birds here on the Onehunga Foreshore tending the two trap lines on a weekly basis, catching many rats and mice. 

Eastern Songbird Project

We are keen supporters of the Eastern Bays Songbird Project which aims to restore and regenerate the natural ecosystems of the Eastern Bays to create a sanctuary alive with birds, enhancing the lives of our residents and visitors. This project is mobilising the community to take action both on their properties and in local open spaces to provide environments in which populations of birds and invertebrates can flourish. This project works with local people and organisations already trapping pests and encourage and coordinate the local community to trap throughout the residential areas. This project will contribute significantly, and be integral, to Pest Free Auckland 2050 and Predator Free NZ 2050.

Kiwi Conservation Club

The Auckland branch has a very active kids club that organises trips & activities for young eco-warriors wanting to learn about the wildlife that calls NZ home.

We have regular KCC activities and trips you can join us on.

Get involved

We need more help to better establish projects within the city and ensure their longevity.

There are lots of ways you can get involved from attending our events and working bees, or becoming part of a project team, or the branch committee.

If you have regular time to give and some skills that could help, get in touch through the branch email:

Looking forward to meeting you.

Your Committee,

Gowan RobertsonChair
Marguerite Pearson Deputy Chair/KCC co-ordinator
Frances SulikoskySecretary
Debbie TangneyTreasurer
Sarah Lightbody KCC co-ordinator
Susan Tolich   
Kate Morrissey

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
