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Monitoring/field data collection

Bioblitz Chartwell Reserve, Wellington

Event date:
Event location:

Chartwell Reserve, Chartwell Drive, Crofton Downs, Wellington
New Zealand

Event type:
Monitoring/field data collection
Volunteer activity:
Conservation area:

Starting Monday 6th, Forest & Bird Wellington Branch is holding a bioblitz to quantify the biodiversity of Chartwell Reserve, and its surrounding area. The reserve is in Crofton Downs, Wellington, off Chartwell Drive. It is a site that is being restored by the Branch as a native wetland with surrounding forest.

This week-long event will involve scientists and experts assisted by our volunteers to identify as many of the Reserve's species as they can, both fauna and flora. They will use the INaturalist community to augment our expert's knowledge, and you are welcome to help. An opportunity to meet some of our country's top experts.

Tuesday 7th, 9:30 am- Public guided walk (allow 3 hours) starting with a H&S briefing and instruction on how to use a mobile phone to record observations on iNaturalist.

Thursday 9th. 4:30 to 6:30 pm - Join Mountains-to-Sea Wellington in a family friendly event and help identify macro invertebrates that are living in the stream that runs through the site.

Event contact

027 3737260

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