Read about the people who stood up for New Zealand nature over the past 100 years. You may well know some of them! By Caroline Wood
Forest & Bird magazine
A version of this story was first published in the Spring 2024 issue of Forest & Bird magazine.
Forest & Bird’s stunning centennial history has been published and will be on sale in bookshops in October. We are taking pre-orders now, so get in quick to secure your copy.
Publisher Robbie Burton is calling Force of Nature a landmark book about conservation that is a celebration of all things nature.
“It’s been an enormous privilege to be able to work with what I think is one of the most important conservation stories ever told in this country,” he said.
“Forest & Bird has been involved in every significant conservation or environmental campaign over the last 100 years.
“Force of Nature is a remarkable and inspiring book with a fascinating cast of characters. It’s highly readable and beautifully illustrated.”
David Young
Naomi Arnold
For the first time, the book’s writers David Young and Naomi Arnold tell the inside story of Forest & Bird from its foundation in 1923 to the present day.
They depict many of the colourful personalities in the Society’s history, the conservation campaigns they waged, and the precious landscapes, plants, and animals they helped save.
The book features more than 110 interviews with, and in-depth profiles of, members, staff, and supporters who were there at tipping points in history. What motivated them to stand up for nature in a world that didn’t care?
We learn about their courageous campaigns to save vanishing birdlife in the 1920s, establish “national parks for the people” in the 1950s, secure a department of conservation in the 1980s, and create the predator-free Aotearoa concept in the 2000s.
“These stories, some of which haven’t been told before, are compelling and a really important part of our history,” says Forest & Bird’s chief executive Nicola Toki.
“I found them to be inspiring and motivating for the nature protection work still to be done. We can all learn from the courage and actions of those who have gone before us.”
Each chapter is richly illustrated with archival images and striking landscape, ocean, and wildlife photos from some of New Zealand’s leading nature photographers.
In a rapidly vanishing natural world, further challenged by climate change, the stories of hope and perseverance in Force of Nature are a clarion call to action for nature lovers throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
Buy your copy of Force of Nature from the Forest & Bird shop and help support our conservation mahi. All profits go directly to nature protection. We are offering a special launch price of $72 (20% off RRP) plus P&P – see forceofnature.
Blog post: Michael Pringle - Finding our stories: adventures in the archives
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Be in to win

Mount Taranaki (back cover of Force of Nature). Credit Rob Suisted
Forest & Bird is giving away two copies of Force of Nature Te Aumangea o te ao Tūroa: A Conservation History of Forest & Bird (1923–2023) to two lucky readers. This landmark history celebrates 100 years of inspiring conservation mahi. Published by Potton & Burton (RRP $89.99).
To enter, email your entry to, put FORCE OF NATURE in the subject line, and include your name and address in the email. Or write your name and address on the back of an envelope and post to FORCE OF NATURE draw, Forest & Bird, PO Box 631, Wellington 6140. Entries close 1 November 2024.