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Our 240 member branch works on a range of restoration projects that are greening the Far North.

Far North volunteers

Our dedicated team of nursery-workers at Keri-keri Shadehouse

Planting, bird-translocation , weed clearance, pest-busting and nursery management are just some of the activities that keep our members busy.Members play a key role in nurturing the 15,000 plants that are trucked out of the DOC’s Kerikeri shadehouse each year.

Enough plants are grown here each year to supply all the plants for the island restoration projects in the Bay of Islands and Cavalli Islands as well as many other restoration projects in Northland. 

As well as helping with forest restoration projects, the branch plays a key role in pest-clearance in one of NZ’s most diverse forestlands: Puketi forest.

In 2009, the Puketi Forest Trust re-introduced 30 North Island robin (toutouwai). In 2010 a further 30 birds were released. The population from both releases is thriving with some second generation chicks fledging this season. The Trust hopes to re-introduce kokako in the coming years.

Get involved

  • People can get involved in a variety of projects and volunteers are always needed for planting , weeding, bird relocation, fundraising and pest-busting .

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
